There is not a lot happening for our transition this month. We are waiting on the bank, sold a bunch of stuff on craigslist already, and our dream switch feels turned off right now until something starts happening with the house sale. This is hard when the motivation is high. We just need to keep plugging away with fixing up the house and getting it ready for the next home owners.
My summer money savings list has not quite gotten off the ground yet. I've hung clothes out to dry on the nice days, but April is known for rain so we'll have to hold off a bit. We will be going dishwasher free when our dishwasher soap runs out.
I've purchase grapefruit dish soap to help with ants. Did you know that ants don't like citrus? If you get aunts by your sink try a citrus dish soap. It works for me! That and keeping the counters free of little ant treasures.
So, please forgive me for the lack of posting. There really isn't much to talk about these days. It's just the waiting game right now.
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